Tuesday, May 6, 2008

[] Celebrating Me! []

Here's My Personal Inventory


i. What are 6 adjectives which best describe you? These can be from outside the list. Think about the evidence or your past experiences that support their accuracy.

Open-minded- Listen to different viewpoints from people reguarding sensitive issue.

Enthusiastic- Always the loudspeaker who would motivate people during camps.

Temperamental- Getting upset over minor issues.

Passive- Always looking at the worst outcome before tackling a problem.

Out-going- Can mingle Around with people from different walks of life and different backgrounds.

Creative- Able to think fast on the spot to come up with ideas for group work.
ii. From the list of adjectives that you scored 3, identify the ones which you best like about yourself. Why are they important to you?

Out-going. I feel that no man can live alone by himself and friends are essential in life. They are the ones who will be there is times of difficulties and will support you every step in your journey of life. Being out-going will naturally nurture other good qualities such as confidence.

iii. From the list of adjectives that you scored 0, write down the ones you would like to improve. How are you going to develop these characteristics?

Optimistic and diligent. For optimistic, I think I could improve by looking at the brighter side of life, approaching each problem with a positive mindset and taking each set back as a learning point. As for diligence, I would try to pace myself with whatever I am doing and not do everything to my upmost best.

[] Johari's Window []

Public Self
This is what I share with others about me:
I am an out-going person who can’t stop talking when there's people around me, i can't live with out people. I am a very fast thinker and a creative chap, having a pool of experience for leadership and a very versatile and care person.

Private Self
Think about how much of your private self you are willing to share. What are the benefits or drawbacks to sharing aspects of your private self?
I have low self-esteem, have little or no confidence about myself, Very afraid of failures.

Blind Spot
What are some of things that you’ve learnt about yourself from others that cause you to wonder or to see yourself differently?

Not many, however there's is one very prominent point whereby I have no sense of punctuality. Many a times I will be just on time which I have thought that people are fine with it so it does not occur to me that I didn't have any sense of punctuality. It's only now, when I actually interviewed my friends that I came to know about this. So, from today onwards I will make a conscious effort to be early for any meetings.

[] Enhancing Self-Esteem []

Self-Esteem starts from the very basic where one must value him or herself and recognising one's strength and weaknesses. This helps to remind one to have a balanced viewpoint of both their strengths as well as their weaknesses. This is, in my point of view, one of the most important point when it comes to enhancing self-esteem because many a times, one would look more on their weaknesses rather then their strengths when they are faced with a problem which they have difficulty solving. However, there are other supporting ways to enhance one's self-esteem such as Self- Affirmation, Deal with Negative Beliefs, Positive Thinking, Surround Yourself with Positive & Supportive People and Take Time to Enjoy Life. Self-esteem also shapes our values and our physical well-being too.

Here are my self affirmations.
Refer to your Personal Inventory and write down 5 affirming statements that you can make about yourself?

I am an out-going person so I can meet anyone.
I am open-minded so I can see things from different perspective.
I am enthusiastic and can cheer people when they are down!
I am Creative and can think of ideas other had never thought of.
I am attractive!
Limiting Beliefs
What are some of the limiting beliefs that you hold? Take a few minutes to reflect on the impact it has on your self-esteem, your relationships, and actions.
Others are always better then me.
I got to flow the trend if not I would be left out.
If I don't change to suite my friends, I would be left out.
Keeping negative comments to myself afraid to be judged.
Reframing or restructuring one's limiting beliefs and change it into positive thinking. Visualisation is an alternative way to turn one's limiting beliefs into positive thinking.
§ What do you find meaningful or useful from the discussion about self-awareness and self-esteem?
I discover that even though i may present myself very confidently, deep down inside of me, i have a rather low self-esteem and from this lesson, i also learnt the different ways to over come my low self-esteem. Ways like, evaluating myself once in a while, positive thinking and changing negative beliefs into positive ones. other ways such as the johair's window had really brought me into a new world where by I found out that there were such a thing called a blind spot of a person, a public side as well as a private side. to one person. This lesson also prompted me to change my character into a more versatile person who can handle more things whit a better self-esteem and most importantly, becoming the better person which would in turn change all the people around me.
My 5 Years Plan:

Five years from now, I would like to see myself in getting ready for ROD for army. I would also like to have my successful application for NTU accountancy while I am in army. By then, I would also want to be more confidence and have a better self-esteem as compared to now. I want to be able to support myself finical after army so i would not have to rely on my parents for them to support me as they are not young anymore. I would also want to spend this five years meaningfully and having to do everything with the right morals. I want to have at least gone for 3 mission trips to other countries in my life in poly, preferably to Indonesia, Thailand and India.